Class SLF4JLog

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Log

public class SLF4JLog extends Object implements Log, Serializable
Implementation of org.apache.commons.logging.Log interface which delegates all processing to a wrapped org.slf4j.Logger instance.

JCL's FATAL level is mapped to ERROR. All other levels map one to one.

Ceki Gülcü
See Also:
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • isDebugEnabled

      public boolean isDebugEnabled()
      Directly delegates to the wrapped org.slf4j.Logger instance.
      Specified by:
      isDebugEnabled in interface Log
    • isErrorEnabled

      public boolean isErrorEnabled()
      Directly delegates to the wrapped org.slf4j.Logger instance.
      Specified by:
      isErrorEnabled in interface Log
    • isFatalEnabled

      public boolean isFatalEnabled()
      Delegates to the isErrorEnabled method of the wrapped org.slf4j.Logger instance.
      Specified by:
      isFatalEnabled in interface Log
    • isInfoEnabled

      public boolean isInfoEnabled()
      Directly delegates to the wrapped org.slf4j.Logger instance.
      Specified by:
      isInfoEnabled in interface Log
      true if info enabled, false otherwise
    • isTraceEnabled

      public boolean isTraceEnabled()
      Delegates to the isDebugEnabled method of the wrapped org.slf4j.Logger instance.
      Specified by:
      isTraceEnabled in interface Log
      true if trace enabled, false otherwise
    • isWarnEnabled

      public boolean isWarnEnabled()
      Directly delegates to the wrapped org.slf4j.Logger instance.
      Specified by:
      isWarnEnabled in interface Log
    • trace

      public void trace(Object message)
      Converts the input parameter to String and then delegates to the debug method of the wrapped org.slf4j.Logger instance.
      Specified by:
      trace in interface Log
      message - the message to log. Converted to String
    • trace

      public void trace(Object message, Throwable t)
      Converts the first input parameter to String and then delegates to the debug method of the wrapped org.slf4j.Logger instance.
      Specified by:
      trace in interface Log
      message - the message to log. Converted to String
      t - the exception to log
    • debug

      public void debug(Object message)
      Converts the input parameter to String and then delegates to the wrapped org.slf4j.Logger instance.
      Specified by:
      debug in interface Log
      message - the message to log. Converted to String
    • debug

      public void debug(Object message, Throwable t)
      Converts the first input parameter to String and then delegates to the wrapped org.slf4j.Logger instance.
      Specified by:
      debug in interface Log
      message - the message to log. Converted to String
      t - the exception to log
    • info

      public void info(Object message)
      Converts the input parameter to String and then delegates to the wrapped org.slf4j.Logger instance.
      Specified by:
      info in interface Log
      message - the message to log. Converted to String
    • info

      public void info(Object message, Throwable t)
      Converts the first input parameter to String and then delegates to the wrapped org.slf4j.Logger instance.
      Specified by:
      info in interface Log
      message - the message to log. Converted to String
      t - the exception to log
    • warn

      public void warn(Object message)
      Converts the input parameter to String and then delegates to the wrapped org.slf4j.Logger instance.
      Specified by:
      warn in interface Log
      message - the message to log. Converted to String
    • warn

      public void warn(Object message, Throwable t)
      Converts the first input parameter to String and then delegates to the wrapped org.slf4j.Logger instance.
      Specified by:
      warn in interface Log
      message - the message to log. Converted to String
      t - the exception to log
    • error

      public void error(Object message)
      Converts the input parameter to String and then delegates to the wrapped org.slf4j.Logger instance.
      Specified by:
      error in interface Log
      message - the message to log. Converted to String
    • error

      public void error(Object message, Throwable t)
      Converts the first input parameter to String and then delegates to the wrapped org.slf4j.Logger instance.
      Specified by:
      error in interface Log
      message - the message to log. Converted to String
      t - the exception to log
    • fatal

      public void fatal(Object message)
      Converts the input parameter to String and then delegates to the error method of the wrapped org.slf4j.Logger instance.
      Specified by:
      fatal in interface Log
      message - the message to log. Converted to String
    • fatal

      public void fatal(Object message, Throwable t)
      Converts the first input parameter to String and then delegates to the error method of the wrapped org.slf4j.Logger instance.
      Specified by:
      fatal in interface Log
      message - the message to log. Converted to String
      t - the exception to log
    • readResolve

      Replace this instance with a homonymous (same name) logger returned by LoggerFactory. Note that this method is only called during deserialization.
      logger with same name as returned by LoggerFactory