All Classes and Interfaces

An abstract implementation which delegates actual logging work to the AbstractLogger.handleNormalizedLoggingCall(Level, Marker, String, Object[], Throwable) method.
All recognized options in the string passed to the java agent.
Entry point for slf4j-ext when used as a Java agent.
Implement this interface for your own strategies for outputting log statements.
A minimal (nop) implementation of BasicConfigurator.
A simple implementation of the Marker interface.
An almost trivial implementation of the IMarkerFactory interface which creates BasicMarker instances.
Basic MDC implementation, which can be used with logging systems that lack out-of-the-box MDC support.
Additional interface to LoggingEventBuilder and LoggingEvent.
This class is a minimal implementation of the original org.apache.log4j.Category class (as found in log4j 1.2) by delegation of all calls to a Logger instance.
Used to annotate methods in the LoggingEventBuilder interface which return an instance of LoggingEventBuilder (usually as this).
Implemented by classes capable of configuring log4j using a URL.
Skeleton implementation of ConsoleAppender
A default implementation of LoggingEvent.
Default implementation of LoggingEventBuilder
An enum of supported time units.
Created by IntelliJ IDEA.
This class is used to record events during the initialization phase of the underlying logging framework.
Holds the results of formatting done by MessageFormatter.
Listen to events occurring within a Hierarchy.
ILoggerFactory instances manufacture Logger instances by name.
Implementations of this interface are used to manufacture Marker instances.
Helper methods for Javassist functionality.
A wrapper over java.util.logging.Logger in conformity with the Logger interface.
JDK14LoggerFactory is an implementation of ILoggerFactory returning the appropriately named JDK14LoggerAdapter instance.
This class is a minimal implementation of the original Log4J class.
Provides minimal default implementations for LegacyAbstractLogger.isTraceEnabled(Marker), LegacyAbstractLogger.isDebugEnabled(Marker) and other similar methods.
Defines the minimum set of levels recognized by the system, that is OFF, FATAL, ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG and ALL.
SLF4J's internal representation of Level.
An optional interface helping integration with logging systems capable of extracting location information.
A logger specialized in localized logging.
This class is essentially a wrapper around an LoggerFactory producing LocLogger instances.
A simple logging interface abstracting logging APIs.
An exception that is thrown only if a suitable LogFactory or Log instance cannot be created by the corresponding factory methods.
Factory for creating Log instances, which always delegates to an instance of SLF4JLogFactory.
This class is a minimal implementation of the original org.apache.log4j.Logger class (as found in log4j 1.2) delegating all calls to a Logger instance.
The org.slf4j.Logger interface is the main user entry point of SLF4J API.
Implement this interface to create new instances of Logger or a subclass of Logger.
The LoggerFactory is a utility class producing Loggers for various logging APIs, e.g.
All methods in this class are reserved for internal use, for testing purposes.
A LoggerRepository is used to create and retrieve Loggers.
A helper class wrapping an Logger instance preserving location information if the wrapped instance supports it.
The minimal interface sufficient for the restitution of data passed by the user to the SLF4J API.
A logger capable of logging from org.slf4j.event.LoggingEvent implements this interface.
This is the main interface in slf4j's fluent API for creating logging events.
This class used to output log statements from within the log4j package.
This class is a minimal implementation of the original org.apache.log4j.LogManager class (as found in log4j 1.2) delegating all calls to SLF4J.
LogTransformer does the work of analyzing each class, and if appropriate add log statements to each method to allow logging entry/exit.
Builder provides a flexible way of configuring some of many options on the parent class instead of providing many constructors.
Markers are named objects used to enrich log statements.
MarkerFactory is a utility class producing Marker instances as appropriate for the logging system currently in use.
This class hides and serves as a substitute for the underlying logging system's MDC implementation.
An adapter to remove the key when done.
This interface abstracts the service offered by various MDC implementations.
Formats messages according to very simple substitution rules.
A log4j's NDC implemented in terms of SLF4J MDC primitives.
Trivial implementation of Log that throws away all messages.
A direct NOP (no operation) implementation of Logger.
NOPLoggerFactory is a trivial implementation of ILoggerFactory which always returns the unique instance of NOPLogger.
A no-operation implementation of LoggingEventBuilder.
This adapter is an empty implementation of the MDCAdapter interface.
Holds normalized call parameters.
An always-empty Enumerator.
This class is a minimal implementation of the original Log4J class.
Refrain from using this class directly, use the Level class instead.
A poor man's profiler to measure the time elapsed performing some lengthy task.
A minimalist registry of profilers.
A no-op implementation of PropertyConfigurator.
A wrapper over org.apache.log4j.Logger conforming to the Logger interface.
Log4jLoggerFactory is an implementation of ILoggerFactory returning the appropriate named Reload4jLoggerAdapter instance.
An internally used class for reporting internal messages generated by SLF4J itself, typically during initialization.
This class is a minimal implementation of the original Log4J class.
Simple implementation of Log that sends all enabled log messages, for all defined loggers, to System.err.
Simple implementation of Logger that sends all enabled log messages, for all defined loggers, to the console (System.err).
This class holds configuration values for SimpleLogger.
An implementation of ILoggerFactory which always returns SimpleLogger instances.
Bridge/route all JUL log records to the SLF4J API.
Various utility methods
Implementation of org.apache.commons.logging.Log interface which delegates all processing to a wrapped org.slf4j.Logger instance.
Implementation of org.apache.commons.logging.Log interface which delegates all processing to a wrapped org.slf4j.Logger instance.
Concrete subclass of LogFactory which always delegates to the org.slf4j.LoggerFactory class.
This interface based on ServiceLoader paradigm.
A very basic TimeInstrument which can be started and stopped once and only once.
A logger implementation which logs via a delegate logger.
SubstituteLoggerFactory manages instances of SubstituteLogger.
A simple implementation of ThreadLocal backed Map containing values of type Deque.
This interface sets the methods that must be implemented by Profiler and StopWatch classes.
An internal utility class.
A utility that provides standard mechanisms for logging certain kinds of activities.
This class is essentially a wrapper around an LoggerFactory producing XLogger instances.