NLOG4J 1.2.24

Uses of Interface

Packages that use PropertyGetter.PropertyCallback
org.apache.log4j.config Package used in getting/setting component properties. 

Uses of PropertyGetter.PropertyCallback in org.apache.log4j.config

Classes in org.apache.log4j.config that implement PropertyGetter.PropertyCallback
 class PropertyPrinter
          Prints the configuration of the log4j default hierarchy (which needs to be auto-initialized) as a propoperties file on a PrintWriter.

Methods in org.apache.log4j.config with parameters of type PropertyGetter.PropertyCallback
static void PropertyGetter.getProperties(Object obj, PropertyGetter.PropertyCallback callback, String prefix)
 void PropertyGetter.getProperties(PropertyGetter.PropertyCallback callback, String prefix)

NLOG4J 1.2.24

Copyright 2000-2005 Apache Software Foundation.